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We help asylum seekers with their various needs, including befriending, sign-posting, lawyers, ESOL, donations, form-filling and advice. We also arrange social activities.

How can people get involved and support your organisation?
  • Donate clothes and sundry items
  • Sign up to volunteer
Contact Details

Upbeat Communities

We encourage and mobilise the local community to welcome and support those fleeing war and persecution to rebuild their lives in the UK. We support people seeking sanctuary with free English classes, community activities and opportunities to build friendships.

How can people get involved and support your organisation?
  • Donations to support the work we do
  • Volunteer to help us deliver a range of activities
  • Sign up to our newsletter
Contact Details

Derby Refugee Forum (Derby Refugee Advice Centre)

We offer help, advice and support for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. This includes pre-bookable advice sessions for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, English and Maths classes, creative activities and information.

How can people get involved and support your organisation?
  • Donate to support our work
  • Food donations
  • Interpreters (we are currently recruiting for Tigrinya Interpreters)
Contact Details

British Red Cross - Derby

We support asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants. We offer access to rights and entitlements, destitutions support and Family Reunion travel assistance.

How can people get involved and support your organisation?
  • Financial donations through our national website
  • Volunteer at
Contact Details

Derby City of Sanctuary

Derby City of Sanctuary is a network of organisations creating a culture of welcome for those seeking sanctuary in our city.

How can people get involved and support your organisation?
  • Interested organisations can join the network, attend meetings and apply to receive a Sanctuary Award
Contact Details

QUAD - Creative Wellbeing

Creative Wellbeing at QUAD aims to support our communities wellbeing through a variety of workshops that teach new creative skills in a relaxed and friendly environment.

How can people get involved and support your organisation?
  • We offer FREE weekly creative workshops for anyone and everyone to join in such as Creative ESOL Workshops and Mindful Crafts.
  • Become a member or donate through our website
  • Volunteer at
Contact Details

Submit your organisation!

Do you have a charity, organisation or appeal that supports people seeking sanctuary in the UK? Give us your details below and we’ll add you to the map.

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